So my Capital Fringe Festival show, The Diary of a Dancer, is in rehearsal in NYC. Down here in DC I am starting the marketing. I started a Facebook group and Mary has her own Facebook page. You should add her by clicking here. There will be some fun updates I am sure.
Postcards just arrived! Thanks to my talented fellow Fringe producer, Anne Kohn. I wrote about her theatre company a while back, No Rules Theatre Company and now they are doing a Fringe show too.
The biggest challenge we face is our 1st show has a crappy timeslot (Saturday July, 11th at 11am). I am hoping we can sell out that first show maybe by giving something away??? Anyone have any ideas on how to make the first and earliest show sell out? Give me a shout or leave a comment.
Well tomorrow turned into a week and a half later.
Things are busy here. We have Avenue Q coming in next month which is pretty exciting. I am working my Capital Fringe Festival show, The Diary of a Dancer, which is now fully off and running. Not to mention a third project that has yet to be announced that I am so excited about. It has run into many bumps but keeps on moving forward which is so nice. A friend of mine says do something every day that scares you. Well this new project is super scare and super excited.
I have decided twice a week is a good amount of blogging. Not setting a goal for the blog keeps making it okay to push back and writing five times a week was simply just too much. So I will shoot for two new posts every week. Wish me luck with everything and if you want to really support me buy a ticket!
I have returned from my long absence. So much to catch up and so many thought! First off the Tony Awards are coming up and I have only seen one show! American Idiot and I loved it. Apparently people think it won’t get the Tony for Best Musical and I think they may be right. It was such a great show though and I really hopes it wins. Go see it!
I am really going to get better about blogging. It won’t be every day and probably won’t be as long of posts but it is back.
Tomorrow there is so much on the Capital Fringe Festival and my show, The Diary of a Dancer.