I have personally found only two sights to be really useful when looking for work. First, Playbill.com has a great jobs page but is geared more toward NYC and commercial theatre whereas Artsearch (my other favorite) is geared more toward regional and educational theatre.
Yesterday I went through the Artsearch site and looked at the job data to see what kind of jobs were posted this month. I split them into 11 categories and the descriptions and results are below. There were 101 jobs posted on Artsearch for the month of April.
27 Technical – TD, ME, Shop Managers, Crews, ect. (costumes included)
18 Education – Education Department for a theatre or Faculty at a college
13 Interns – Any kind of Intern or Apprentice
9 Leadership – Artistic Directors, Managing Directors, General Managers
8 Sales / Marketing – includes Group Sales, Marketing, PR, Box Office
7 Management – Production Man, Stage Man, ASM, Company Man.
7 Other – Random jobs that did not fit anywhere else
5 Development – Development Staff and Directors
4 Design – Costume, Scene, Lighting, Sound Designers and Assistants
2 Business – Accounting, Bookkeepers
1 Artistic – Directors, Choreographers
Are they posting jobs you are qualified for? Should you be learning more about the technical or educational fields? People ask why I am always looking at job postings if I am happy in my job, which I am. The reason is to know what’s out there and be aware of tends. Plus I like to be helpful and if I see a job that is right for someone I know I pass along that information. Being aware of the job market in my industry makes me an asset to my friends and to my network.
When I have more time I will do a bigger analysis of the jobs by expanding the time frame. Again this is from one site and that site caters more toward Educational and Regional Theatres.
Hey Jared, Its Daren from Webster. -- Found out about your blog via Facebook and I have a question for you.
ReplyDeleteCurrently I don't have a subscription to Arts Search (just not worth the small financial investment at this time). Can you do me a favor and see if Pegasus Players in Chicago have posted anything?-- Their AD is stepping down and I want to throw my name into the hat but nothing has been posted on our local network sites at the moment-- I was wondering if they posted there.
Thanks- Hope your doing well. I'd love to chat with you in the future about the DC Theatre scene. My BF would like to re-locate there in the future and I don't know much about the theatre community there. (time to start researching)
Daren, I will look. The DC Theare Scene is great. I would be happy to talk to you about it anytime. You should come check it out.