The sound! I twittered it last night and I will say it again. If you work in sound you should send you resume to the Tony Awards NOW! It was awful. I realize this it can’t be easy with 100 plus live performers especially in the opening number . But it was bad from the very beginning. The camera shots were not that great either. It is time to take a serious look at the Awards. This is as close as most of America ever gets to Broadway and is suppose to help boost sales. Is this really what you want everyone to think of when they think of Broadway? All I could think of was sound problems.
Moving on; Shrek. What a shame. Okay I didn’t like the show when I saw it in NYC, but there are some good numbers, but from the song they picked last night you couldn’t tell. And the number they choose didn’t even have Shrek in it. If I was watching that show I wouldn’t go see it and with 65% attendance last week one would think they would want a better song.
Next to Normal was great. They did their best number and it came off really well.
Billy was okay. Most people didn’t like the number they choose but I thought it was okay. There are no great numbers from the CD that I thought would be better.
My last thought about the show for today. Cut the large screen behind them. It doesn’t look good on camera and didn’t feel the stage. Take the money spent on that and put it toward sound.
More to come on the Tonys tomorrow.
Billy Elliot producers should have chosen the "Solidarity" number to perform. Its a great ensemble piece and really shows off the wonderful work by both Daldry and Darling. (not to mention would have given "Billy" and Hayden Gwen and chance to show off why they were nominated)---- The Angry Dance number is just too much to jump into without building up to it.