Monday, July 13, 2009

Theatre Rental Collaborative

When I came into the position of Booking Manager at Harman Center for the Arts, I really didn’t know much about what I would be doing. I knew I would act like a theatre owner and book the space as often as possible and try to Production Manage the events and productions that I book.

To learn more, I started emailing someone in a similar position at another local theatre, and we kept trying to meet up. Then I decided to try to get a bunch of us together so that we could share, discuss, and learn from each other. We could each talk about what was working and what wasn’t. I have talked a little bit about this group before, but now we are going to make it a little more official and give it a name: Theatre Rental Collaborative.

I have a lot of goals with this group, but the two most important are to learn from each other and share clients. I thought about all the calls I get that I can’t fulfill for one reason or another. Maybe we are too large or we don’t have the dates they need. We used to just tell them we are sorry, we can’t help them. But my new goal is to try to connect them with one of my fellow collaborators. Hopefully we can get all the theatres doing this and helping each other out in this way. Our next meeting is on the 27th of this month, so I will let you know what exciting news comes from that meeting. Think about your position and what collaboration you can do to help benefit your organization and help grow your network.

1 comment:

  1. And I'll see you there.
    PS- Love the name choice. And the blog graphic.
