"There are 3 main ways I find work and stay employed:
1) Maintain Contacts
You meet loads of amazing, talented, lovely people in this industry, and a great way to continue to work for and with such people is to stay in touch with them. If you

2) Search Online Theatre/Production Job Sites.
These sites include, but are not limited to, Playbill, Actors' Equity, Mandy, and Craigslist. Sometimes you stumble across an amazing gig that you're perfect for, and you'll totally nail the job. Many times you'll drag through dozens of listing for projects that don't pay anything. It can be a little frustrating because you may only find one good listing a day. Don't sweat it- write them an enthusiastic cover letter, send them your resume, and call all your friends who have ever worked for them or know them and tell them to put in a good word for you.
3) Stay Creative and Flexible
Sometimes....many times....you may find yourself UNemployed. THIS HAPPENS TO EVERYONE IN THIS INDUSTRY! The best thing you can do for yourself (and your friends who have to put up with you) is stay creative and flexible. Perhaps all you've ever wanted to be is a Broadway Stage Manager. This isn't my personal fantasy, but you get my point- You move all your thespian trophies and yourself to NYC only to realize you don't know a single Broadway Stage Manager who can get you in the door. OMG! What ARE you going to do? You can't sling coffee forever waiting for Broadway to call. Take Theo Roosevelt's advice, "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." You're in New York with the most talented people. If you see a posting for a gig that you think you can do- apply for it! If someone calls and wants to know if you can be a production assistant for some crazy big MTV event- do it! If you wanna see theatre but can't afford the ticket- usher! There are so many opportunities in this city, you just have to maintain an open mind! Then, as my Grandma says, "The world is your oyster," or stage, or however it applies to you!"
Good advice, all around!