I sometimes get caught up in the “what if’s” about projects and they often scare me from taking the leap. I ponder about the budget and if I really think I can pull off something that big.
I have been playing with a fundraising idea through social media and even got a great response to my “test balloon.” But then I talked myself out of it because I thought there was no way. One day later I got a card from one of my dear friends in California. She wrote a very sweet note and included $40 in cash. I couldn’t believe it. She had so much faith in my project that she took the time to just go ahead and send me cash. I can’t stop smiling about it. In my test balloon I asked about $10 and she sent four times that amount.
All my fears where gone. What was the worst that could happen? I didn’t raise the money? Her faith in me recharged me and soon you will see the results of my follow through.
So have faith in yourself and trust your instincts. They are usually right and will lead you in the right direction.
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