My friend and I were 2 minutes late to the musical. I am usually really early but things with dinner and traffic made us late. When we arrived, the doors to the theatre were closed and we were asked to wait in the lobby until there was a late seating break at which point we would be led to a side balcony until the first act was over.
First off, I want to say I was impressed that they always start on time. I think that is commendable and it will help get the audiences to start to show up on time. The theatre even tried to make efforts to accommodate the late seaters by having a screen to watch the show on until you could be led to the balcony. However the monitor was small and had a very fuzzy picture and the sound was awful. Also the house managers were a little rude when an older lady said she couldn’t hear.
It made me think of making every touchpoint count. There is a way to make that experience better for the late comers. They will always be annoyed that they can’t be seated but having a better monitor and sound would have made it easier to swallow. Also a kinder house manager would have made it a little better. Was there anything else they could do?
When you are working on a project or for a company think of how you can make EVERY touchpoint with the customers count. It made me look at my job here at the Harman Center. I was trying to think how I could make my clients experience here better. Well, for one I am working on getting free wi-fi for my clients so it is easy for them to be online when they are in the building. Also I am going to start to send out a follow up card to let them know how happy I was to have them use our building and ask for feed back.
What are ways you have been reached out to by places you shop? How can you improve your guests or customers experience and make everything with their experience count? Leave comments below.
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