We all love the original musical, and recently there have been some great ones, like In the Heights and Next to Normal. But I also have some favorites that came from movies. In fact, I think one of the most imaginative productions I have ever seen came from the movie The Lion King, and look how long it has run. And now it has over 15 companies worldwide, grossing over 4 billion dollars. I mean, really, can all movies be that bad? Even the best musical of this year, Billy Elliot, was a movie first. In fact, 7 out of the last 11 Best Musical winners were movies turned into musicals.
So while we have a lot of flops from musicals, we have a lot of successes too. I think people probably used to say the same about turning books into musicals, but now our storytelling comes more from movies to the masses. Plus, there is that secure feeling of having a known title to comfort you as you pour several million dollars into your project.
What are your thoughts about movie musicals? Think about your recent favorites and see how many came from movies.
It really depends on the source material. Does it sing?
ReplyDeleteAlso, most of the time the movies that make better musicals are the movies that aren't hugely mainstream. When a movie is beloved by a large group of people, the writers don't feel like they can betray the fans and make plot changes necessary to creating a solid stage musical (ie Legally Blonde, Shrek, 9 to 5) and these shows end up coming off looking like expensive theme park show versions of films you like.
One of the most successful models has actually been adapting foreign films into English language musicals. Three Fellini films have been adapted into Broadway musicals. The musical versions of 'Le Notti di Cabiria' (SWEET CHARITY) and 8 1/2 (NINE) were great successes. However, the musical version of Fellini's LA STRADA closed on opening night. Which goes to show there is no sure fire formula.
Without movie to musical adaptations, think of the great shows we'd be without.... LA CAGE AUX FOLLES, WHITE CHRISTMAS, A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC, HAIRSPRAY & THE FULL MONTY to name but a few. However, for each of these, there is also a CRY-BABY or THE LITTLE MERMAID we'd like to forget.
It's true of adaptation in any medium. Stage to screen transfers. Book to stage/screen transfers. Film to TV transfers. Etc. Where would TV be without M*A*S*H. It was a play first, then a film, then a TV show. It was popular in all three mediums, but it re-invented itself at each turn while keeping intact what made it great in each incarnation.
It's all about ADAPTATION. A truly remarkable adaptation doesn't copy every single moment, but tells us the overall same story while more importantly capturing the essence of the source material rather than the details of the source material.
Great Comments Rick thanks for posting.